One Stop Dental Marketing

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Dental Newsletters

If you are a dental practice owner having a website, you must include a dental newsletter for your patients. You may be wondering why this is required. The simple answer is that newsletters are an excellent means to engage patients and create awareness about your practice and its services.

While newsletters may seem like an easy job, in reality, they are not. First, you go to put in plenty of research before your begin writing the newsletter and send them to your clients. This is a significant reason dental practices hire marketing experts to take care of their dental newsletter. While getting newsletters written by professionals will cost you some money, they are worth it because of their benefits. 

Here are some of the advantages of having dental practice newsletters sent to your patients –

1. Stay Top-Of-Mind

Newsletters are a part of email marketing activities, and these activities can potentially keep your name in the minds of the patients. If you send the informational newsletter to your patients month on month, they will likely remember you and, if needed, visit you. Your newsletters in their email box will remind them of how you can help them with a dental issue. Newsletters can be defined as customer retention tools that practices can use wisely.

2. Provide Knowledge To Your Patients

Everyone wants the best healthcare service for themselves and their loved ones. By adding relevant information to your newsletters, you can provide educational content to your patients, making it easy for them to make the right health decisions. The more informed a patient is about various healthcare procedures, the better decision they can make.

3. Improve Authority

Newsletters have the power to improve your authority, like how blogging and social media can do. By sending relevant information to your patients in newsletters, you are showcasing your knowledge and expertise to your clients. When you provide them with the best treatment options, they are likely to place their trust in you.

4. Encourage Referrals

If your newsletter’s content manages to impress your patients, they are likely to forward or share it with their loved ones. This can work as a referral for your dental practice business if the person with whom your patient shared the newsletter is searching for a dentist.

Essential Components of A Dental Patient Newsletter

To create an impressive and informative newsletter, you must keep in mind these seven issues:

1. Word length – Ensure your newsletter is not too long as the patients may not want to spend too much time reading it. A newsletter of about 150 words should be sufficient. Hence, aim to add valuable information to your newsletter in the minimum word count possible.

2. Pictures – It is excellent to give your patients a visual representation of something you have mentioned in the newsletter. Photographs can instantly draw your patients’ attention, making them read the full article.

3. Readability – Though you want your newsletter to be written formally, you do not want it to be complicated to comprehend for your patients. Keep sentences short and straightforward.

4. Post them on your website – It is a great idea to add your newsletter to your website. This can bring more website traffic and help improve your Google ranking.

5. Pay attention to your subject lines – Remember that your patients will receive your newsletter in their email boxes. They will likely receive hundreds of emails daily, and to ensure they open your newsletter, you must include exciting subject lines.

6. Easy to forward – Ensure your newsletters can be forwarded to anyone easily. If your patients can forward it to their friends and family, you will likely receive a better response.

7. Be consistent – Anything you do regularly can get you better results. For example, if you work out daily, you will likely bring your body in better shape. The same applies to your newsletters. Keep sending them to your clients every month for them to remember you at all times.

It is not possible to have the email ID of all your patients. In this case, you can have a printable PDF version of your newsletter to distribute at your front desk or via snail mail.  For more effective email marketing campaigns for your dental practice growth, give One Stop Dental Marketing a call at 1300 867 699.


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