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Top 8 Dental SEO Marketing Best practices

Dental marketing has become is the essential element for dentists. Many believe that building a website is enough to be a part of the digital marketing bandwagon; however, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Building a good website is just the first step of having a digital presence. It is essential to be found online to drive business.

The techniques used to enhance the quality and the quantity of traffic to your website primarily by being found on search engines are Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Organic SEO is about promoting your practice without having to pay for online advertising. It is a long-term effective strategy and could take anywhere between four to six months to give results.

It has been proved that close to 75% of people do not look beyond the first page of search results to answer their queries. Therefore, it is essential to work out a robust SEO strategy to achieve high online visibility. This post discusses seven best practices of dental SEO marketing to harness the potential of digital marketing and generate high quality leads for their business.

1. Build A Website with A Great User Experience

All SEO efforts have to be directed towards understanding the end-user and providing them with what they are looking for most conveniently. Site loading within three seconds prevents the customer from abandoning the site. To achieve this, the web developer will look into the technical aspects of the website like— Server response time, browser caching, reduce redirects, and image compression, to name a few.

2. Understand the Search Intent of The Users

Good dental SEO marketing efforts will be directed towards understanding why people are entering a particular term into the search engines. Keywords like “What are all-on-4 dental implants” are informational and will reach the blog page. Likewise, keywords like “Invisalign experts in Brisbane” is navigational and should be directed to the home page, service page and about us page.

3. Writing Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags are the clickable headings that appear in search results to give the visitors an idea of the web page’s content in brief. Google displays the first 60 characters of the title, include keywords judiciously and avoid overstuffing keywords, and the title tag should be in line with the search intent.

The meta description is the information given just below the title tag. It does not impact SEO; however, it summarises the page and increases the chances of website visits. Meta description has less than 160 characters; they are unique to each page, contain target keywords, and match the user’s search intent to optimise the results.

4. Ensure quality content

The Google algorithms are evolving; they are looking out for high quality, well researched authoritative content. Developing high-quality content and a substantial blog section will go a long way in featuring your website in the search engines and drive traffic to your website. Research suggests that the blog section should comprise both long-form content of 2000 words and short contents of 500 words to yield the best results.

5. Building Strong Internal Links

Internal links in the website give the search engines insights about various aspects like website structure, relevance, relationship, and value of the pages. Internal links help users to navigate across web pages on the site and find relevant content.

6. Building Strong High-Quality Back Links

Backlinks at the inbound links are the links that connect one website to other websites. This process is called link building. It is always best to get links from authoritative and trusted websites; to get these links, it is important to build on good content that the users find worth their while at the same time and sites find it worth linking to.

7. Creating content for voice-guided search

With voice search devices becoming popular, search queries have become more natural sounding. For example, instead of typing “top dentist Brisbane” the user can say, “Who is the top dentist in Brisbane?” good SEO practices will always incorporate the changes resulting from technological innovations.

8. Local SEO For Dentists

Do you know that 97% of the people today use search engines to know about local businesses? Therefore, it is essential to rank your dental website locally in your area. With local SEO, you can easily increase your rankings in local SERPs i.e., search engine result pages. It is the best way to grab the attention of the patients nearby to your clinic. In order to get started with local SEO, you first need to research local dental keywords and optimise the web content. Further, the process includes creating a website as per UX design and tracking the progress. Here you can also hire the leading local SEO agency to get the best outcome.

To Conclude

The truth about getting a higher Google ranking to get maximum dental leads cannot be denied. You need to implement some solid dental SEO practices and techniques to achieve a top search engine ranking position. The above mentioned are the best dental search engine optimisation practices to consider. It helps you increase the visibility of your dental website online. For more details about dental SEO marketing, you can contact one of the best dental marketing companies in Australia, i.e., One-Stop Dental Marketing.